hf module¶
This module contains utility functions for working with Hugging Face models.
Get the model configuration for a Hugging Face model.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
model_id |
str |
The Hugging Face model ID. |
required |
Type | Description |
transformers.configuration_utils.PretrainedConfig |
The model configuration. |
Source code in geoai/hf.py
def get_model_config(model_id):
Get the model configuration for a Hugging Face model.
model_id (str): The Hugging Face model ID.
transformers.configuration_utils.PretrainedConfig: The model configuration.
return AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_id)
Check the number of input channels supported by a Hugging Face model.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
model_id |
str |
The Hugging Face model ID. |
required |
Type | Description |
int |
The number of input channels the model accepts. |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If unable to determine the number of input channels. |
Source code in geoai/hf.py
def get_model_input_channels(model_id):
Check the number of input channels supported by a Hugging Face model.
model_id (str): The Hugging Face model ID.
int: The number of input channels the model accepts.
ValueError: If unable to determine the number of input channels.
# Load the model configuration
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_id)
# For Mask2Former models
if hasattr(config, "backbone_config"):
if hasattr(config.backbone_config, "num_channels"):
return config.backbone_config.num_channels
# Try to load the model and inspect its architecture
model = AutoModelForMaskedImageModeling.from_pretrained(model_id)
# For Swin Transformer-based models like Mask2Former
if hasattr(model, "backbone") and hasattr(model.backbone, "embeddings"):
if hasattr(model.backbone.embeddings, "patch_embeddings"):
# Swin models typically have patch embeddings that indicate channel count
return model.backbone.embeddings.patch_embeddings.in_channels
except Exception as e:
print(f"Couldn't inspect model architecture: {e}")
# Default for most vision models
return 3
image_segmentation(tif_path, output_path, labels_to_extract=None, dtype='uint8', model_name=None, segmenter_args=None, **kwargs)
Segments an image with a Hugging Face segmentation model and saves the results as a single georeferenced image where each class has a unique integer value.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
tif_path |
str |
Path to the input georeferenced TIF file. |
required |
output_path |
str |
Path where the output georeferenced segmentation will be saved. |
required |
labels_to_extract |
list |
List of labels to extract. If None, extracts all labels. |
None |
dtype |
str |
Data type to use for the output mask. Defaults to "uint8". |
'uint8' |
model_name |
str |
Name of the Hugging Face model to use for segmentation, such as "facebook/mask2former-swin-large-cityscapes-semantic". Defaults to None. See https://huggingface.co/models?pipeline_tag=image-segmentation&sort=trending for options. |
None |
segmenter_args |
dict |
Additional arguments to pass to the segmenter. Defaults to None. |
None |
**kwargs |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the segmentation pipeline |
{} |
Type | Description |
tuple |
(Path to saved image, dictionary mapping label names to their assigned values, dictionary mapping label names to confidence scores) |
Source code in geoai/hf.py
def image_segmentation(
Segments an image with a Hugging Face segmentation model and saves the results
as a single georeferenced image where each class has a unique integer value.
tif_path (str): Path to the input georeferenced TIF file.
output_path (str): Path where the output georeferenced segmentation will be saved.
labels_to_extract (list, optional): List of labels to extract. If None, extracts all labels.
dtype (str, optional): Data type to use for the output mask. Defaults to "uint8".
model_name (str, optional): Name of the Hugging Face model to use for segmentation,
such as "facebook/mask2former-swin-large-cityscapes-semantic". Defaults to None.
See https://huggingface.co/models?pipeline_tag=image-segmentation&sort=trending for options.
segmenter_args (dict, optional): Additional arguments to pass to the segmenter.
Defaults to None.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the segmentation pipeline
tuple: (Path to saved image, dictionary mapping label names to their assigned values,
dictionary mapping label names to confidence scores)
# Load the original georeferenced image to extract metadata
with rasterio.open(tif_path) as src:
# Save the metadata for later use
meta = src.meta.copy()
# Get the dimensions
height = src.height
width = src.width
# Get the transform and CRS for georeferencing
# transform = src.transform
# crs = src.crs
# Initialize the segmentation pipeline
if model_name is None:
model_name = "facebook/mask2former-swin-large-cityscapes-semantic"
kwargs["task"] = "image-segmentation"
segmenter = pipeline(model=model_name, **kwargs)
# Run the segmentation on the GeoTIFF
if segmenter_args is None:
segmenter_args = {}
segments = segmenter(tif_path, **segmenter_args)
# If no specific labels are requested, extract all available ones
if labels_to_extract is None:
labels_to_extract = [segment["label"] for segment in segments]
# Create an empty mask to hold all the labels
# Using uint8 for up to 255 classes, switch to uint16 for more
combined_mask = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
# Create a dictionary to map labels to values and store scores
label_to_value = {}
label_to_score = {}
# Process each segment we want to keep
for i, segment in enumerate(
[s for s in segments if s["label"] in labels_to_extract]
# Assign a unique value to each label (starting from 1)
value = i + 1
label = segment["label"]
score = segment["score"]
label_to_value[label] = value
label_to_score[label] = score
# Convert PIL image to numpy array
mask = np.array(segment["mask"])
# Apply a threshold if it's a probability mask (not binary)
if mask.dtype == float:
mask = (mask > 0.5).astype(np.uint8)
# Resize if needed to match original dimensions
if mask.shape != (height, width):
mask_img = Image.fromarray(mask)
mask_img = mask_img.resize((width, height))
mask = np.array(mask_img)
# Add this class to the combined mask
# Only overwrite if the pixel isn't already assigned to another class
# This handles overlapping segments by giving priority to earlier segments
combined_mask = np.where(
(mask > 0) & (combined_mask == 0), value, combined_mask
# Update metadata for the output raster
"count": 1, # One band for the mask
"dtype": dtype, # Use uint8 for up to 255 classes
"nodata": 0, # 0 represents no class
# Save the mask as a new georeferenced GeoTIFF
with rasterio.open(output_path, "w", **meta) as dst:
dst.write(combined_mask[np.newaxis, :, :]) # Add channel dimension
# Create a CSV colormap file with scores included
csv_path = os.path.splitext(output_path)[0] + "_colormap.csv"
with open(csv_path, "w", newline="") as csvfile:
fieldnames = ["ClassValue", "ClassName", "ConfidenceScore"]
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for label, value in label_to_value.items():
"ClassValue": value,
"ClassName": label,
"ConfidenceScore": f"{label_to_score[label]:.4f}",
return output_path, label_to_value, label_to_score
mask_generation(input_path, output_mask_path, output_csv_path, model='facebook/sam-vit-base', confidence_threshold=0.5, points_per_side=32, crop_size=None, batch_size=1, band_indices=None, min_object_size=0, generator_kwargs=None, **kwargs)
Process a GeoTIFF using SAM mask generation and save results as a GeoTIFF and CSV.
The function reads a GeoTIFF image, applies the SAM mask generator from the Hugging Face transformers pipeline, rasterizes the resulting masks to create a labeled mask GeoTIFF, and saves mask scores and geometries to a CSV file.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
input_path |
str |
Path to the input GeoTIFF image. |
required |
output_mask_path |
str |
Path where the output mask GeoTIFF will be saved. |
required |
output_csv_path |
str |
Path where the mask scores CSV will be saved. |
required |
model |
str |
HuggingFace model checkpoint for the SAM model. |
'facebook/sam-vit-base' |
confidence_threshold |
float |
Minimum confidence score for masks to be included. |
0.5 |
points_per_side |
int |
Number of points to sample along each side of the image. |
32 |
crop_size |
Optional[int] |
Size of image crops for processing. If None, process the full image. |
None |
band_indices |
Optional[List[int]] |
List of band indices to use. If None, use all bands. |
None |
batch_size |
int |
Batch size for inference. |
1 |
min_object_size |
int |
Minimum size in pixels for objects to be included. Smaller masks will be filtered out. |
0 |
generator_kwargs |
Optional[Dict] |
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the mask generator. |
None |
Type | Description |
Tuple[str, str] |
Tuple containing the paths to the saved mask GeoTIFF and CSV file. |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the input file cannot be opened or processed. |
RuntimeError |
If mask generation fails. |
Source code in geoai/hf.py
def mask_generation(
input_path: str,
output_mask_path: str,
output_csv_path: str,
model: str = "facebook/sam-vit-base",
confidence_threshold: float = 0.5,
points_per_side: int = 32,
crop_size: Optional[int] = None,
batch_size: int = 1,
band_indices: Optional[List[int]] = None,
min_object_size: int = 0,
generator_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Process a GeoTIFF using SAM mask generation and save results as a GeoTIFF and CSV.
The function reads a GeoTIFF image, applies the SAM mask generator from the
Hugging Face transformers pipeline, rasterizes the resulting masks to create
a labeled mask GeoTIFF, and saves mask scores and geometries to a CSV file.
input_path: Path to the input GeoTIFF image.
output_mask_path: Path where the output mask GeoTIFF will be saved.
output_csv_path: Path where the mask scores CSV will be saved.
model: HuggingFace model checkpoint for the SAM model.
confidence_threshold: Minimum confidence score for masks to be included.
points_per_side: Number of points to sample along each side of the image.
crop_size: Size of image crops for processing. If None, process the full image.
band_indices: List of band indices to use. If None, use all bands.
batch_size: Batch size for inference.
min_object_size: Minimum size in pixels for objects to be included. Smaller masks will be filtered out.
generator_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the mask generator.
Tuple containing the paths to the saved mask GeoTIFF and CSV file.
ValueError: If the input file cannot be opened or processed.
RuntimeError: If mask generation fails.
# Set up the mask generator
print("Setting up mask generator...")
mask_generator = pipeline(model=model, task="mask-generation", **kwargs)
# Open the GeoTIFF file
print(f"Reading input GeoTIFF: {input_path}")
with rasterio.open(input_path) as src:
# Read metadata
profile = src.profile
# transform = src.transform
# crs = src.crs
# Read the image data
if band_indices is not None:
print(f"Using specified bands: {band_indices}")
image_data = np.stack([src.read(i + 1) for i in band_indices])
print("Using all bands")
image_data = src.read()
# Handle image with more than 3 bands (convert to RGB for visualization)
if image_data.shape[0] > 3:
f"Converting {image_data.shape[0]} bands to RGB (using first 3 bands)"
# Select first three bands or perform other band combination
image_data = image_data[:3]
elif image_data.shape[0] == 1:
print("Duplicating single band to create 3-band image")
# Duplicate single band to create a 3-band image
image_data = np.vstack([image_data] * 3)
# Transpose to HWC format for the model
image_data = np.transpose(image_data, (1, 2, 0))
# Normalize the image if needed
if image_data.dtype != np.uint8:
print(f"Normalizing image from {image_data.dtype} to uint8")
image_data = (image_data / image_data.max() * 255).astype(np.uint8)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to open or process input GeoTIFF: {e}")
# Process the image with the mask generator
# Convert numpy array to PIL Image for the pipeline
# Ensure the array is in the right format (HWC and uint8)
if image_data.dtype != np.uint8:
image_data = (image_data / image_data.max() * 255).astype(np.uint8)
# Create a PIL Image from the numpy array
print("Converting to PIL Image for mask generation")
pil_image = Image.fromarray(image_data)
# Use the SAM pipeline for mask generation
if generator_kwargs is None:
generator_kwargs = {}
print("Running mask generation...")
mask_results = mask_generator(
crop_n_points_downscale_factor=1 if crop_size is None else 2,
crops_n_layers=0 if crop_size is None else 1,
f"Number of initial masks: {len(mask_results['masks']) if isinstance(mask_results, dict) and 'masks' in mask_results else len(mask_results)}"
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Mask generation failed: {e}")
# Create a mask raster with unique IDs for each mask
mask_raster = np.zeros((image_data.shape[0], image_data.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint32)
mask_records = []
# Process each mask based on the structure of mask_results
if (
isinstance(mask_results, dict)
and "masks" in mask_results
and "scores" in mask_results
# Handle dictionary with 'masks' and 'scores' lists
print("Processing masks...")
total_masks = len(mask_results["masks"])
# Create progress bar
for i, (mask_data, score) in enumerate(
zip(mask_results["masks"], mask_results["scores"]),
desc="Processing masks",
mask_id = i + 1 # Start IDs at 1
# Convert to numpy if not already
if not isinstance(mask_data, np.ndarray):
# Try to convert from tensor or other format if needed
mask_data = np.array(mask_data)
print(f"Could not convert mask at index {i} to numpy array")
mask_binary = mask_data.astype(bool)
area_pixels = np.sum(mask_binary)
# Skip if mask is smaller than the minimum size
if area_pixels < min_object_size:
# Add the mask to the raster with a unique ID
mask_raster[mask_binary] = mask_id
# Create a record for the CSV - without geometry calculation
{"mask_id": mask_id, "score": float(score), "area_pixels": area_pixels}
elif isinstance(mask_results, list):
# Handle list of dictionaries format (SAM original format)
print("Processing masks...")
total_masks = len(mask_results)
# Create progress bar
for i, mask_result in enumerate(tqdm(mask_results, desc="Processing masks")):
mask_id = i + 1 # Start IDs at 1
# Try different possible key names for masks and scores
mask_data = None
score = None
if isinstance(mask_result, dict):
# Try to find mask data
if "segmentation" in mask_result:
mask_data = mask_result["segmentation"]
elif "mask" in mask_result:
mask_data = mask_result["mask"]
# Try to find score
if "score" in mask_result:
score = mask_result["score"]
elif "predicted_iou" in mask_result:
score = mask_result["predicted_iou"]
elif "stability_score" in mask_result:
score = mask_result["stability_score"]
score = 1.0 # Default score if none found
# If mask_result is not a dict, it might be the mask directly
mask_data = np.array(mask_result)
score = 1.0 # Default score
print(f"Could not process mask at index {i}")
if mask_data is not None:
# Convert to numpy if not already
if not isinstance(mask_data, np.ndarray):
mask_data = np.array(mask_data)
print(f"Could not convert mask at index {i} to numpy array")
mask_binary = mask_data.astype(bool)
area_pixels = np.sum(mask_binary)
# Skip if mask is smaller than the minimum size
if area_pixels < min_object_size:
# Add the mask to the raster with a unique ID
mask_raster[mask_binary] = mask_id
# Create a record for the CSV - without geometry calculation
"mask_id": mask_id,
"score": float(score),
"area_pixels": area_pixels,
# If we couldn't figure out the format, raise an error
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected format for mask_results: {type(mask_results)}")
print(f"Number of final masks (after size filtering): {len(mask_records)}")
# Save the mask raster as a GeoTIFF
print(f"Saving mask GeoTIFF to {output_mask_path}")
output_profile = profile.copy()
output_profile.update(dtype=rasterio.uint32, count=1, compress="lzw", nodata=0)
with rasterio.open(output_mask_path, "w", **output_profile) as dst:
dst.write(mask_raster.astype(rasterio.uint32), 1)
# Save the mask data as a CSV
print(f"Saving mask metadata to {output_csv_path}")
mask_df = pd.DataFrame(mask_records)
mask_df.to_csv(output_csv_path, index=False)
print("Processing complete!")
return output_mask_path, output_csv_path